Business and Leadership
Communicating with Body Language (4 hours)
Increasing Happiness in the Workplace (4 hours)
Stress Management (4 hours)
Goal Setting and Getting Things Done (4 hours)
Become a Truly Likable Boss and a Great Leader (4 Hours)
Improving Mindfulness (4 hours)
Hot Buttons: Keeping it Cool (2 Hours)
Workforce Accountability in Early Education (4 hours)
Professionalism and Leadership (ECE) 15 Hours
Exploring Adult Learning (3 hours)
Personnel Management Training Package (5 hour bundle)
Dream Team: Successful Teambuilding​ (2 hours)
A Director’s Guide to Evaluations (1 hour)
Motivating Morale: Keeping Staff Around (2 hours)
Mindful Leadership (3 hours)
Interpersonal Skills (4 hours)
Emotional Intelligence at Work (4 hours)
Conflict: From Harmful to Healthy (4 Hours)
The Inclusive Mindset at Work (2 hours)
Respectful Communication Approaches at Work (2 hours)
Managing Emotions at Work (2 hours)
The Respectful Employee (2 hours)
Respect in the Workplace (2 hours)
Unconscious Bias in the Child Care Setting (10 hours)