- Annual Child Care Courses
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- www.myececlass.com
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- Applies to Most Age Group Settings
Open-Enrollment * Self-Paced * Mobile Friendly * Instructor Led Clock-Hour Courses
Applies to Most Age Group Settings

All Aboard: Creating an Inclusive Classroom (3 hours)

Building Community Through Circle Time (2 hours)

Communicating Effectively with Children (1 hour)

Curriculum and Learning Environments

Schedules and Routines and Transitions, Oh My! (2 hours)

Learning Fun! Math, Music and Science (ECE)

Let's Teach! (ECE)

Mindful Leadership (3 hours)

Personnel Management Training Package (5 hour bundle)

Supporting Children for Life Success (5 hours)

Supporting Families with Special Needs (3 hours)

Teaching Self-Expression with Ezra Jack Keats (2 hours)

Teaching Tools for Classroom Management (4 hours)

Using Literature to Support Diverse Families (2 hours)

Encouraging STEM Exploration

Using Sign Language with Children (5 hours)

Nurturing Family Connections (10 Hours)

Confidence in Professionalism (8 hours)

Personal and Professional Well Being (8 hours)

Workplace Communication and Relationships (8 hours)

Staff Development and Professionalism (9 hours)

Supporting Staff: Keeping it Positive (8 hours)

Boosting Community within the Classroom (2 hours)

Discovering Classroom Management Methods (4 hours)

Musical Experiences in the Classroom (2 hours)

Setting Healthy Habits with Young Children (2 hours)

Navigating the T & E in STEM (4 hours)

Waldorf Education with Children (2 hours)

Outdoor Preschools for Children (2 hours)

Alternative Education Methods (10 hours)

The Inclusive Mindset at Work (2 hours)

Respectful Communication Approaches at Work (2 hours)

Managing Emotions at Work (2 hours)

The Respectful Employee (2 hours)

Respect in the Workplace (2 hours)

Unconscious Bias in the Child Care Setting (10 hours)

Supporting Learning throughout the Day (10 hours)

Fostering Children’s Sense of Self (10 hours)

The Joy and Science of Bubble Play (2 hours)

Butterflies, Bees and Ladybugs, Oh My! (3 hours)

Space Theme: A Journey Through the Cosmos (3 Hours)

Exploring the Five Senses (3 Hours)

Teaching Kindness Lessons to Kids (2 hours)

Practicing Gratitude with Kids (2 hours)