CEU Courses Online * Open-Enrollment * Self-Paced * Mobile Friendly
1 Hour

Anger Management

Assessing Child Care Business Practices

Behavior Management for School Age Children

Behavior Management for Young Children

Child Oriented Spaces

Child Self Esteem

Childhood Anger and Anger Management

Childhood Obesity

Childrens Temperament

Circle Time


Conflict Management for Children

Conflict Resolution Strategies

Discovery of Math

Documenting Childrens Behaviors

Early Childhood Programs for Multilingual Children

Early Literacy

Encouraging Parental Involvement

Experiencing Music in the Classroom

Finding and Using Resources on the Internet


Health Curriculum Development Tools

Introduction to Computer Technology

Learning Styles


Nutrition Curriculum Development Tools

Open House

Outdoor Play Safety

Overcoming Difficulties Communicating with Parents

Physical Activity

Physical Activity for Children with Disabilities

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Praise and Rewards

Professional Practices

Children’s Immunizations

Whooping Cough

Recognizing Levels of Social Play

Relating with Parents

Routines and Transitions

Safety Curriculum Development Tools

Sexual Harassment Awareness

Special Care Inclusion

Special Interest Centers

Staffing Child Care Programs

Stages of Cognitive Development in Infants

Stages of Cognitive Development in Preschoolers

Stages of Cognitive Development in Toddlers

Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Infants

Stages of Physical Growth and Development in Toddlers

Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Infants

Stages of Social and Emotional Development in Toddlers

Stranger and Separation Anxiety

Stress Management

Teaching Basic Social Skills

Teaching Science to Young Children

Teaching Tolerance

Time Management

Using the Arts as a Teaching Tool

Using Visual Arts to Enhance Development

Working and Communicating with Families

Working With Children With Disabilities

Effective Communication